Amazon KDP Categories Update: Massive News for Self-Publishers!

H1: Amazon KDP Categories Update: Massive News for Self-Publishers!


Self-publishing has taken the world by storm in recent years. With Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) being the biggest platform for self-publishers, the recent news regarding the update of its categories is indeed massive. Whether you are a seasoned author or just starting out, this update will certainly affect your self-publishing journey. In this article, we will be discussing the major changes in KDP’s categories and how it will impact your publishing experience.

The Changes in KDP Categories

The Old KDP Categories

Before we delve into what has been updated, it’s important to understand the old KDP categories. The previous categories contained a limited number of genres that may not have been sufficient enough for every author. Book categories that were available ranged from Fiction to Non-fiction, Literature to Health and Fitness, among others.

The New KDP Categories

The good news is that KDP has updated its categories, providing a more diverse range of options for self-publishers. The categories that have been added are specific and extensive enough to give authors a wide array of choices to select from. Amazon has added numerous sub-genres, including some of the most popular ones:

  • Romance
  • Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
  • Science Fiction & Fantasy
  • Children’s Books
  • Teens & Young Adults
  • History
  • Humor & Entertainment

The overall categories are now about 400 in total, providing ample room for self-publishers’ books to be visible to potential readers. So, if you are an author who writes books for teens, this update comes as great news for you. You can now put your book under the Teen & Young Adult category, which is a lot more specific than the old Young Adult category.

Amazon’s rationale behind the update is to make it easier for readers to find the books they are looking for with more specific categories.

Impact of the KDP Categories Update on Self-Publishers

For the authors, this update is a great step forward. With more categories and sub-categories, it’s easier to get your book noticed by potential readers, resulting in better sales. Readers would also benefit, as they can now find niche books and sub-genres easily.

The update enhances the book discovery experience for readers, making it an excellent opportunity for self-publishers. It’s now easier to make your book more visible, and the chances of getting it into the hands of your target audience are higher.


Q: Will my book be automatically updated with the new categories?

A: No. You have to make the changes manually from your KDP bookshelf. Once you log in, go to the bookshelf, select your book, and choose from the available categories. Please keep in mind that the old categories are no longer available.

Q: Can I assign more than one category to my book?

A: Yes. You can select up to two categories and five keywords for your book. However, remember to choose the categories that best fit your book’s content, as it is essential to its discoverability.

Q: What happens if I don’t update my categories?

A: If you don’t update your book’s categories, it will remain in its previous category. This means your book might not be visible to readers searching for titles in the new categories.

Q: Can I change my book’s category after publication?

A: Yes. You can change your book’s category anytime you want. However, keep in mind that it might affect your book ranking and visibility in the previous category.

Q: Will the new categories affect the royalty?

A: No. The royalty remains unchanged, and it is calculated based on the book’s price and delivery costs.


KDP’s update on its categories is good news for self-publishers. The update provides ample room for authors to make their books more visible to potential readers, resulting in better sales. Overall, it’s an excellent opportunity for self-publishers to make their books more discoverable and appealing to readers.

So, if you are a self-publisher on Amazon, take advantage of the new KDP categories, and keep your book’s content easily discoverable in the updated categories. Happy Publishing!

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