Uncovering The Experience of Attempting to Sell Blank Books through Amazon KDP

In this blog post, I’m going to share my personal experience of attempting to sell blank books through Amazon KDP. I’ll provide insights into the ups and downs of this process and offer some tips for anyone looking to embark on a similar journey. So, whether you’re a creative entrepreneur or just curious about the self-publishing world, keep reading to discover what I learned from this exciting experience.


Selling books on Amazon has become a trend of sorts nowadays. Many people, including myself, have tried their luck in the Amazon self-publishing market. Amazon KDP is an excellent platform to upload and sell books. However, like any other business venture, success does not come easily in the Amazon bookselling market, and it requires proper planning and execution. My personal experience of selling blank books through Amazon KDP taught me some valuable lessons that I would like to share with you in this article.

What Are Blank Books?

Before we dive into my experience of attempting to sell blank books on Amazon, let’s first understand what blank books are. These books are typically called “no content” or “low content” books. They consist of blank pages, and customers use them to write anything from notes, poetry, journaling, to-do lists, and so on.

Creating Blank Books

To make money by selling blank books on Amazon, one needs to be creative and follow a few steps. The first step is to create a unique design or theme that will attract customers to your book. Once you have created a design, the next step is to create the content templates that can be used in the book. You can use tools like Book Bolt, which provides a book designer and an Amazon research tool.

Finding the Niche

The key to success on Amazon KDP is to find the right niche. It is important to target niches with good search volume but less competition. You can use tools like Amazon Best Sellers, Google Trends, and Pinterest to find the hot-selling niches. These tools can help you locate what customers are looking for, giving you a competitive edge. Once you find a profitable niche, you need to create a relevant design and content for your book.

Uploading Lots of Books

Uploading your books regularly is the key to success and to earning a daily passive income. To make significant sales, it’s important to upload new books frequently. The more books you upload, the more money you can potentially make.

My Personal Experience

To test the waters, I attempted to create and sell blank notebooks through Amazon KDP. My initial goal was to upload as many books as I could in a short amount of time. I created five books in a rush and uploaded them within a week. The books were not polished, but I did manage to sell them. I made a total of 20.50 pounds in passive income from the sales of five books. Although the total was not much, it was proof that this could turn into a successful business venture.

Getting Into the Habit

After my initial success, I wanted to take a more structured approach to selling blank books. I set a goal of uploading three books per day for three months to get into the habit of producing these books. I started by researching different niches and creating unique designs and content for each book. Following this routine and following the tips mentioned earlier, I managed to sell many more books, generating a decent passive income.


In conclusion, selling blank books on Amazon KDP is an excellent opportunity to make a passive income. However, like any other business venture, it requires planning and execution. The key to success is to find the right niche and upload new books frequently. With the right approach and mindset, anyone can make a decent income through Amazon KDP by selling blank journals, log books, and notebooks.


  1. Is Amazon KDP a self-publishing book service only?

    • Yes, Amazon KDP is a self-publishing book service that lets anyone upload and sell books on Amazon.
  2. What kind of books can I sell on Amazon KDP?

    • You can sell a range of blank books such as notebooks, journals, log books, and planners, to name a few.
  3. What are blank books?

    • Blank books refer to books that have blank pages that customers can use as per their needs.
  4. What is Book Bolt?

    • Book Bolt is a tool designed for creating blank books; it has a book designer and an Amazon research tool, helping you to create and publish unique books.
  5. How do I make money selling blank books on Amazon KDP?

    • The key to making money while selling blank books on Amazon KDP is to upload new books regularly and target profitable niches with the right designs and content.

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